Thursday, October 11, 2012

Donnie Darko (2001)

I saw this movie on cable and then on DVD later. It's about a guy who talks to a weird rabbit. The rabbit says weird stuff to him and also he makes friends with a girl who is ok. The rabbit doesn't look like a regular rabbit. He looks mean. The main guy never seems to think it's weird that he's talking to a giant rabbit. He acts like it's something we all do. News flash! We don't! I think he might have been crazy. There is also an old lady who checks her mailbox a lot. Old people do that a lot. They love to get mail. I guess that's ok because it's kind of all they have. I hope I die before I get old, because if all I had was receiving mail from my deadbeat family, that would be super depressing. Oh yeah. The rabbit burns down Sam from Ghost's  house or something like that. My brother thought this movie was okay.


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